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Hi, I'm Alayna!

I'm an technology & society researcher, activist, and consultant with experience in industry, policy, and academia. My interests and work focus on the ways the private sector is operationalizing "tech ethics" policies and procedures.

Currently, I work on bridging the gap between litigators and technologists in strategic litigation around platform accountability with the Digital Freedom Fund. Some of my other projects include facilitating a series with government professionals on using reponsible technology, researching participatory governance structures for technology development, and consulting for companies implementing AI ethics.

I received a master's in Science and Technology in Society at the University of Edinburgh, where I studied the power dynamics and social worlds of the emerging tech ethics ecosystem. Before that, I worked on IBM's AI Ethics Board to create tools to help other data scientists use AI ethically.

I graduated from Penn State University with a Bachelors in Engineering Science, where I also wrote and published an undergraduate honors thesis on using stories to teach computers human values.


Operationalizing AI Ethics

I understand first-hand the difficulties of implementing responsible tech. In my recent master's dissertation, I worked with Data & Society's AI on the Ground team to further explore how AI ethics can move beyond frameworks and principles to make a positive impact. My work now continues to focus on this applied dimension of operationalization of responsible technology.

Sociology of Technology

In my master's degree, I spent a lot of time thinking and writing about the ways society and technology interact -- specifically, how social worlds, power dynamics, and the political economy of digital technology interact to construct our current technological landscape. While most of my thinking is applied, I love learning about the theories and history of science and technology studies.

Leveraging Institutions

Part of understanding technological change involves understanding complex systems and institutions. My work on strategic litigation for digital rights and platform accountability leverages the mechanisms of legal institutions to enact change. I am very interested in similar ways of channeling institutional reform, whether in government, law, or prviate companies.

Writing and Researching

My career and research has focused on technology and society, but I am interested in a great many different aspects of the ways society at large operates, how we can make the world better, and what has happened in the past to shape our current systems. I'm broadly interested in developing my writing skills for a more general, non-academic audience, and have been publishing on my Substack.


The Business Case for AI Ethics

After I started an AI ethics team at IBM, I wanted to share the knowledge from my experiences with other ethics professionals in industry so I partnered with the non-profit All Tech is Human to write this report, incorporating feedback from sessions with hundreds of ethics professional.

Social Worlds Analysis

One of my academic papers about sociotechnical theory and power dynamics in AI ethics.

NeurIPS Presentation

My talk on responsible AI for the "Navigating the Broader Impacts of AI" workshop at NeurIPS.

Auditing Government AI

A collaborative blog for my colleagues at the Montreal AI Ethics Institute.

Interview on AI Safety

Hour-long talk with TDS on AI safety, ethics, and my work at IBM.